Simon Wu

Simon Wu is an artist based in New York. He is the Program Coordinator for The Racial Imaginary Institute and a graduate of the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program. 

Gala Porras-Kim works to heal institutional spaces shaped by the lasting impacts of colonial extractivism

BY Simon Wu |

At Greene Naftali, New York, the artist transforms vintage gay pornography into paintings – to ‘soul-dissolvingly, corrosively beautiful’ effect

BY Simon Wu |

Her retrospective at the Center for Art, Research, and Alliances demonstrates a philosophy almost incompatible with the viewing methods of institutional exhibition

BY Simon Wu |

To honour the artist's Golden Lion for lifetime achievement at the Venice Biennale, Simon Wu reflect on her long-standing poster series

BY Simon Wu |

Ahead of the publication of his new book, Dancing On My Own, Simon Wu speaks about his influences and allegiances


BY Simon Wu AND Andrew Durbin |

A personal essay on the importance of friendship and the ascendancy of Asian American stories in the mainstream

BY Simon Wu |

At the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, the artist’s works are simultaneously maps, bodies and repositories

BY Simon Wu |

In her ninth studio album, Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd, the artist reaches new heights of candour

BY Simon Wu |

At Greene Naftali, New York, the shape-shifting collective's new paintings and sculptures reveal the limits of a generational cynicism in 2023

BY Simon Wu |

Using web3 technologies, the Berlin-based artist collective attempts to grant sovereignty to nature

BY Simon Wu |

At the Institute of Contemporary Art Virginia Commonwealth University, the artist cobbles together filmic and digital imagery to form spiritual beings

BY Simon Wu |

Simon Wu considers how the artist’s shiny sculptural configurations reflect the art world’s taste back at itself

BY Simon Wu |

At Grimm, New York, the Peruvian artist presents a body of work that asks us to defang our baleful understandings of ghosts

BY Simon Wu |

In a series of sculptures and installation works, the artist unpacks the self-destructive consequences of their faith in the solidarity of cisgender white men

BY Simon Wu |

At the New Museum, the exhibition, conceived by the late curator Okwui Enwezor, is a sobering look at the realities of Black grief, but fails to address its root cause

BY Simon Wu |

At Artists Space, New York, a retrospective of the collective’s body of work reminisces on the punkish criticality of the 1990s 

BY Simon Wu |

At Essex Street, New York, the artist presents an array of prefabricated objects through the lens of disability and chronic illness

BY Simon Wu |

The artist’s online project enacts a daily fantasy of revenge – or reparation – for the Western history of institutional racism and colonialism

BY Simon Wu |

The Asian-American designers embrace alienation as an integral aspect of identity

BY Simon Wu |