
Showing results 141-160 of 197

Renzo Piano’s new Whitney Museum

BY Carson Chan |

Design, architecture and optimism in postcolonial Africa

BY Sean O'Toole |

Shrinking workspaces and reclining labour

BY Kirsty Bell |

An interview with Beatriz Colomina

BY Sandra Bartoli AND Kito Nedo |

Ecological innovation in Chinese architecture

BY Beatrice Leanza |

Vincenzo Latronico visits a utopian community in rural Chile, which is still thriving after over 40 years

BY Vincenzo Latronico |

A Tetris stack on the bank of the Kura River

BY Sam Thorne |

Conversations, buildings, books and films

BY Céline Condorelli |

Time-travelling with Pablo Bronstein

BY Charlie Fox |

With the publication of his recent five-volume catalogue raisonnée, how does architect Peter Zumthor convey a lifetime’s body of work?

BY Carson Chan |

Africa’s first mega-museum to open in Cape Town

BY Sean O'Toole |

Architecture, whimsy and the Gwangju Biennale

BY Joseph Grima |

‘MoMA is simply a fact of life, an epiphenomenon of a larger economic and social miscarriage reflected too in the glitzy towers that ring the museum’

BY Jason Farago |

The legacy of one of Brazil's greatest architects

BY Silas Martí |

The underground architecture of Harry Weese

BY George Pendle |

The evolution of ‘performance architecture’

BY Agnieszka Gratza |

For 20 years, filmmaker Heinz Emigholz has been documenting icons of Modernist architecture

BY Bert Rebhandl |

Inevitably, some critic or other, whether writing about Venice’s art or architecture biennales, ‘reveals’ the enterprise’s imperial trappings. Among reading I took for the journey to this year’s Architecture Biennale was the September–October 1990 edition of artscribe. For weeks I had meant to read an interview it contained with Derek Jarman but, coincidently, the issue also featured a review of that year’s Biennale by Jan Avgikos titled ‘The Dangers of Tourism’. What had I let myself in for?

BY Jonathan P. Watts |

A letter to the visionary architect Yona Friedman

BY Jean-Baptiste Decavèle |

Interventions in Bucharest's history of state bureaucracy and brutalist architecture

BY H.G. Masters |