
Showing results 201-220 of 383

Maggie Nelson's meditation on a set of oxymorons: the pregnant woman who thinks, the mother who writes and the queer who procreates

BY Stephanie DeGooyer |

The twin energies of ambition and anxiety seem to govern relations between the art and literary worlds

BY Nathaniel Budzinski |

Two recent books explore how online trolling is reshaping publishing and communication

BY David Crowley |

Spoken-word recordings can offer a liberating alternative, audibly melting text from the permafrost of print 

Re-reading Shulamith Firestone’s The Dialectic of Sex

BY Jenni Sorkin |

A combination of memoir, fiction, art criticism and autobiographical reflection, The Story of My Teeth is a remarkable story about stories

BY Natalie Ferris |

Conversations, buildings, books and films

BY Céline Condorelli |

The dark, unsettling feminism of Jacqueline Rose

BY Nina Power |

Gilda Williams’s new book on how to write about contemporary art

BY Orit Gat |

Who should the internet serve?

BY Stephanie DeGooyer |

New technology and endangered objects

BY Alice Rawsthorn |

Omer Fast’s film adaptation of Tom McCarthy’s book, Remainder

BY Tom Morton |

Three new publications by artists catalogue the minutiae of contemporary existence

BY Robert Barry |

The artist and writer discusses the books that have influenced her

BY Katrina Palmer |

The myth of the ‘Great American Novel’

BY Lynne Tillman |

Two recent publications examine conflict and collaboration in public art projects

BY David Crowley |

The act of writing and the ‘shadowy constitution of authorship’

BY Kaelen Wilson-Goldie |

Italian artist Linda Fregni Nagler discusses the books that have influenced her

BY Linda Fregni Nagler |

Walking with Teju Cole

BY Sean O'Toole |

Reading as information control: the poet Tan Lin talks to Sam Thorne

BY Sam Thorne |