
Showing results 121-140 of 227

The Frieze New York 2018 campaign maps the poet and curator’s Lunch Poems

BY Matthew McLean |

Exploring New York City in the footsteps of Frank O’Hara

One year on from his death, Fondation Cartier pays tribute to the Malian photographer with a large-scale retrospective

BY Laurie Taylor |

From early Vogue shoots and Hollywood’s golden era to domestic still lifes, the photographer reveals the images that have inspired her

BY Annette Kelm |

In Thomas Ruff’s retrospective at London’s Whitechapel Gallery, raw scientific information becomes aesthetic expression

BY Laurie Taylor |

David Goldblatt discusses representation, censorship and his decision to remove his archive from the University of Cape Town

BY Paul Clinton |

The final book in a series published by MoMA draws on the museum's collection to chart the development of photography from the mid-19th century to today 

BY Laurie Taylor |

With a strong surrealist strain, and including a welcome number of female artists, highlights from the 48th edition of the photography festival

BY Ela Bittencourt |

The winner of the British Journal of Photography International Photography Award 2017 talks about the ethics of documenting the migration crisis

Mat Collishaw’s virtual-reality tribute to photo pioneer William Henry Fox Talbot suggests what VR can learn from early photography’s reception

BY Laurie Taylor |

Wayne Koestenbaum responds to a little-seen record of Robert Rauschenberg at work

BY Wayne Koestenbaum |

From Irving Penn to the stereograph: a photography themed weekend reading list

BY Paul Clinton |

With Frieze Week underway, architect Annabelle Selldorf reveals her favourite spots across the city

Rewire Festival and a photography project documenting Den Haag’s underground

BY Robert Barry |

From the virtues of cannibalism to how to photograph yourself naked: what to read this weekend

BY Paul Clinton |

Madan Mahatta’s historic photographs of New Delhi record a time when India was embracing modernist architecture

BY Skye Arundhati Thomas |

Tate Modern, London

BY Charlie Fox |

The re-release of Allan Sekula’s seminal book critiquing the bond between capitalism and representations of material culture

BY Laurie Taylor |

A new book of photographer Luigi Ghirri's collective writing

BY Laurie Taylor |

The Photographers’ Gallery has cleverly paired a show of feminist art by 48 women with an overtly feminist show by a man