
Showing results 601-620 of 1567

The audio, visual world of Diego Perrone

BY Barbara Casavecchia |

The recent work of Kai Althoff

BY Michael Bracewell |

Images for a different future: recent projects examine the projected desires of the German Democratic Republic’s lost socialist culture

BY Sarah E. James |

Source, archive, evidence

BY Quinn Latimer |

A lament for the work of art in the age of digital circulation

BY Susanne von Falkenhausen |

Kolja Reichert remembers the late photographer Michael Schmidt and his pictures of a Berlin that most others overlooked

BY Kolja Reichert |

Design, deception, sexuality

BY Matthew McLean |

Ellen Gronemeyer’s paintings gauge the distance between seeing and being seen

BY Amy Sherlock |

How humour feeds painting

BY Paul Teasdale |

‘Civilizations of the jaguar’, vacuum cleaners and the human body

BY Timotheus Vermeulen |

Taking stock of stock images

BY Dan Kidner |

Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith examines the relationship between image and painting in the work of Marlene Dumas

Illustration and art history collide in Sanya Kantarovsky’s paintings

BY Scott Roben |

Decoding Uri Aran’s mysterious work-tables

BY Declan Long |

The anarchic 1920s Tokyo art movement Mavo and the internationalism of the Japanese Avant-garde

BY Andrew Maerkle |

Art's response, then and now, to World War I

BY Sue Malvern |

A slew of new exhibitions celebrate Pop art from around the world

BY Michael Bracewell |

Contemporary artists and ceramic traditions

BY Amy Sherlock |

The intertwining of art, history and landscape in Tasmania

BY Philip Hoare |