
Showing results 301-320 of 2284

Artists and writers, including Huw Lemmey and John Smith, select their favourite programmes from the broadcaster’s history

A flaws-and-all reappraisal of the late New York art critic

BY Mitch Speed |

Paul Chan selects passages from the philosopher whose work may have influenced the creation of the biggest cryptocurrency

BY Paul Chan AND Yuzo Sakuramoto |

Other highlights include James St James’s Night Fever podcast, plus new and upcoming book releases from Rosanna McLaughlin and McKenzie Wark

BY Sean Burns |

Laura Poitras’s documentary All the Beauty and the Bloodshed – released in the US this week – explores the artist’s defiance against injustice and erasure

BY Sam Moore |

Camille Bacon profiles Linda Goode Bryant’s legendary gallery and the radical transformations the space afforded in its 12-year run

BY Camille Bacon |

Rafa Sales Ross, a former employee of the now-closed Belmont Filmhouse in Aberdeen, describes what's at stake with public funding cuts across film and culture

BY Rafa Sales Ross |

Alexander Provan pays tribute to the polymathic artist, critic, novelist and television presenter and his alter egos

BY Alexander Provan |

The spiritual quests of the 20th-century poets Antonin Artaud, René Daumal and Arthur Rimbaud are transmuted into a sonic landscape at Centre Pompidou

BY Nadine Khalil |

Stefan Kalmár shares his recollections of the artist in this personal ode to their friendship

BY Stefan Kalmár |

Following Arts Council England's recent National Portfolio Organization announcement, Laura Robertson investigates the state of English arts funding

BY Laura Robertson |

Angel Lambo also highlights Brian Alfred’s book of artist profiles and a new podcast bridging art and activism

BY Angel Lambo |

A writer, a researcher and an artist share their thoughts on the precarious future of Kurt Schwitters’s Merz Barn in the Lake District

Josie Thaddeus-Johns looks at the work of Adina Pintilie and VR technologies in the search for a more perfect simulation

BY Josie Thaddeus-Johns |

The artist collective shares the process behind their latest film, showing at Kunsthall Trondheim, that bridges art, anthropology and the philosophy of science

BY Metahaven AND Marko Gluhaich |

Will Fenstermaker looks back on the acclaimed critic’s life and career

BY Will Fenstermaker |

Aaron Peck reflects on the life of one of contemporary art’s most sympathetic comedians

BY Aaron Peck |

Archival research projects and the city’s historic venues were the highlights of this year’s somewhat inert biennial

BY Rahel Aima |

Frida Sandström traces the activities of the activist group as it brings its social practice into an itinerant state

BY Frida Sandström |

Camilla Grudova revisits the mythical and real women of painting who influenced her fiction – and adulthood

BY Camilla Grudova |
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