
Showing results 121-140 of 2284

Lingering in the ‘instant before music’, the poet and novelist’s new collection is grounded by sharp materiality

BY Sadie Rebecca Starnes |

A personal essay on the importance of friendship and the ascendancy of Asian American stories in the mainstream

BY Simon Wu |

Other highlights include a US-wide book club championing writers of colour and an annual print magazine dedicated to art and literature from Somesuch

BY Angel Lambo |

‘Danny and the Deep Blue Sea’ sees its two protagonists entangle over romance and Catholic guilt

BY Kevin Champoux |

A new exhibition roams through the fashion photographer’s uncanny realm, highlighting her lesser-known body of collaged works

BY Rosalind Jana |

Documentary filmmaker Paloma Zapata restores the spotlight on the deaf gitano dancer who revolutionized flamenco, yet was written out of history

BY Ellie Howard |

Karim Aïnouz’s debut feature film presaged contemporary discussions on gender performativity, racial violence and identity politics

BY Fernanda Brenner |

Highlights include an album of music produced by visual artists and a cornucopia of hot new shows

BY Sean Burns |

On the occasion of the artist’s retrospective at Raven Row, London, Matthew McLean revisits Untitled (Diana)

BY Matthew McLean |

From sourdough to Princess Diana, the author's new book explores what happens when our aesthetic values meet a class ceiling

BY Eliza Goodpasture |

Tracing the movement’s emergence and its current role in shaping digital culture

BY Orit Gat |

Highlights include the latest release from Jon Fosse, an Annie Ernaux classic and Carl Theodor Dreyer’s final art-house drama

BY Marko Gluhaich |

Amid budgetary constraints, construction setbacks and critical condemnation, the museum’s long-awaited expansion strives to remain groundbreaking

BY Justin Beal |

Five curators, artists and writers discuss the impact of AI models like ChatGPT on artistic production

From a new novel by Teju Cole to the English language debut of an iconic Japanese novel, the frieze team recommend what they’re reading

BY frieze |

With the opening of Factory International, the city endeavours to place itself firmly at the centre of the UK’s cultural scene

BY Vanessa Peterson |

Diarmuid Hester’s Nothing Ever Just Disappears and Robert Glück’s About Ed offer compelling portraits of the histories and intimacies of artists, writers and lovers who shaped the 20th century

BY Sam Buchan-Watts |

How changing circumstances alter a mother-daughter relationship and their shared home dynamics

BY Katherine Hubbard |

Spanning stories, fragmentary essays and press releases, the author’s new collection veers between Joan Didion-esque social studies and pseudo-blasé reportage

BY Esmé Hogeveen |

Two gallery directors discuss the future of Britain’s second most populous city as the Council issues a Section 114, effectively declaring bankruptcy

BY Cathy Wade |