In this section, Heejung Choi contrasts everyday scenes with personal memories to explore the human condition under neoliberalism, highlighting AI's erasure of diverse experiences. Bokyung Jun contrasts human movement with robotic precision, showcasing human creativity through performers interpreting robotic actions. Jiji Kim delves into the interplay between reality and fantasy through dream-inspired imagery. Woojin Kim addresses endangered Asian languages, examining their function as social constructs and their impact on cultural identity. Woojae Lim highlights technology's impact on our connection to nature, reimagining human and natural world relationships. Sungyeon Park uses Bruegel’s metaphor to question society’s pursuit of status, illusion, and power.


Woojin Kim, The Person Who Can Wear This Golden Shoe, 2021, 13 min

Heejung Choi, I found my shadow after a long time, 2024, 16 min

Bokyung Jun, I Swear, I Am Not a Robot, 2021, 24 min

Sungyeon Park, Dowsing Rod, 2019, 10 min

Woojae Lim, Scroll-Stroll, 2024, 11 min

Jiji Kim, Mermaid Night, 2022, 3 min


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