Commonwealth and Council

Showing results 1-11 of 11

From Julie Tolentino’s sculptural alchemy to a new survey on Käthe Kollwitz, which reintroduces the lionized artist to a new generation

BY frieze |

At Commonwealth and Council, Los Angeles, crystal-encrusted structures highlight organic transformation

BY Jessica Simmons-Reid |

The Associate Curator of High Line Art revels in the rhythm and color of Tunji Adeniyi-Jones's painting, admires the intricacy of Sanaa Gateja's beadwork and is moved by Beatriz Cortez's powerful evocation of home

The Executive Director and Chief Curator of The Arts Club of Chicago admires Sonia Gomes’s textural evocation of memory, Rose Salane's heartbreaking images of confetti and the elegance of Suki Seuokyeong Kang’s woven work

This year’s fair will feature artists currently in the spotlight in Venice across the Arsenale, Giardini and offsite spaces, including Alex Katz, Julien Creuzet, Beatriz Milhazes and Pacita Abad

From models of Southern shacks to burning branches in darkest Poland, Frieze New York has a wealth of work devoted to disputed territories, cultural abandonment and economic despair  

From Varda Caivano’s tiny metallic abstractions at LABOR to Tania Candiani’s ode to the capital’s dance halls

BY Mariana Fernández |

The Vice Chair of the Whitney Museum chooses five pieces from Frieze Seoul Viewing Room including colourful works by Mit Jai Inn, Trevor Shimizu and Rosha Yaghmai

At Commonwealth and Council, Los Angeles, the artist looks at the history of the Fordlândia colony in the Amazonian rainforest in relation to Bezos's megacorporation

BY Margarita Lila Rosa |

The new gallery space in Mayfair will launch with three ambitious exhibitions from international galleries James Cohan, Commonwealth and Council and Proyectos Ultravioleta