
Showing results 161-180 of 199

For 25 Years Rosemarie Trockel has examined the slippery connection between sexual identity, images and the way they are perceived

BY Jörg Heiser |

Rirkrit Tiravanija’s mid-career retrospective demonstrates how his work has emphasized interpersonal activity over art production

BY Dan Fox |

Marc Camille Chaimowicz' work is intoxicated by longing; yearning for a place never lived in but rather dreamt of or briefly tasted

BY Dan Fox |

Urs Fischer’s work is characterized by happy accidents – slips of the hand and mind that can transform even the ugliest of ducklings into a weirdly beautiful swan

BY Tom Morton |

Jennifer Higgie visits Carol Rama’s studio in Turin, Italy 

BY Jennifer Higgie |

Monika Baer

BY Dominic Eichler |

Silke Otto-Knapp

BY Jennifer Higgie |

Claire Barclay

BY Tom Morton |

How Friedrich Kunath enforces ‘togetherness’ through our shared pop culture vernacular

BY Dan Fox |

Tom Morton looks at the work of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

BY Tom Morton |

Christian Marclay

BY Philip Sherburne |

Carsten Nicolai

BY Bert Rebhandl |

David Musgrave

BY Martin Herbert |

Jan Verwoert on Franz West 

BY Jan Verwoert |

Cheyney Thompson

BY Michael Wilson |