
Showing results 341-360 of 1567

Guilt, humour and dislocation in Andy Holden's cartoon universe

BY Darian Leader |

In his latest film, Adam Curtis holds artists and curators partly responsible for the current state of the world – and he’s not alone

BY Jörg Heiser |

Tanya Harrod on the art of Phyllida Barlow, who is representing Britain at the 57th Venice Biennale 

BY Tanya Harrod |

The art of only the second living designer to be the focus of a solo show at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art

BY Judith Clark |

Dan Fox looks at the work of Mark Bradford, who represents the US at this year’s Venice Biennale

BY Dan Fox |

Jace Clayton discovers hyper-intelligent dogs and violent humans in the artist’s computer-simulated worlds

BY Jace Clayton |

How the artists GCC, Lawrence Lek, The Propeller Group, Larissa Sansour and Christopher Kulendran Thomas are visualizing a world in which borders no longer define who we are 

The works of Hiwa K, which feature in this year’s documenta 14, draw on the misconceptions that pervade Western views of recent Middle Eastern history

BY Ben Fergusson |

A survey of more than 50 respondents from over 30 countries

A new film by Maeve Brennan reflects on lives caught up in the conflict in Lebanon

BY Harry Thorne |

We're beginning to understand what a world in which facts are a matter of opinion looks like. Has the Age of Aquarius finally dawned?

BY Mark Pilkington |

Writers and curators Osei Bonsu, Okwui Enwezor, L.A. Kauffman, Rob Sharp, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Zheng Bo respond 

In the work of Rafa Esparza, colonialism, family history and sex collide with the landscape of Los Angeles 

BY Travis Diehl |

How young sculptors Tamara Henderson, Misha Kahn, Jessi Reaves, Sophie Stone and Chris Wolston are imagining domestic life after the apocalypse

BY Evan Moffitt |

How should the artistic community respond when an art space, explicitly or implicitly, associates itself with right-wing sentiment?

A new video installation from Richard Mosse investigates the refugee crisis

BY Christy Lange |

What draws us to certain stories, and why do we retell them? 

BY Daria Martin |

An exclusive excerpt from Charlie Fox's new book, This Young Monster, published today by Fitzcarraldo Editions

BY Charlie Fox |

On coins and iconoclasm, from Maximinus Thrax to SUPERFLEX

Wellness and new-ages tendencies in the work of Débora Delmar, Institute for New Feeling, Dafna Maimon, Helga Wretman and Lauryn Youden

BY Karen Archey |