
Showing results 441-460 of 856

#Accelerate, a new reader for the fast-moving theory of Accelerationism

BY Orlando Reade |

Peter Piller picked a peck of prickly pictures

BY Christy Lange |

One hundred years of the Leica camera

BY Ulf Erdmann Ziegler |

Why Cosima von Bonin installed a vomiting sculpture on the facade of mumok in Vienna

BY Cosima von Bonin |

A visit to the Wende Museum in LA, the unlikely home to artefacts from the former Eastern Bloc

BY Jan Brandt |

Living and thinking in Berlin: two recent films by Max Linz and Stephan Geene

BY Ekkehard Knörer |

Stefan Goldmann asks how Berlin-made music software has affected global club sounds

BY Jan Kedves |

Über No Home Movie, den letzten Film von Chantal Akerman, auf der Viennale 2015

BY Esther Buss |

The dark, unsettling feminism of Jacqueline Rose

BY Nina Power |

‘There’s no extracting the concept from the commodity in any of Hoff’s many strands of work’

BY Andy Battaglia |

Frederick Wiseman’s new documentary about London’s National Gallery

BY Nick Pinkerton |

With mordant humour, the art of Michael E. Smith plots the bleak landscapes of exurban America

BY Jonathan Griffin |

Giorgio de Chirico's influence of the 20th-century imagination

The life and legacy of the wildly inventive choreographer and performer Loie Fuller

BY Brian Dillon |

The return of Kenneth Clark's trailblazing television series

BY Nathaniel Budzinski |

20th-century illustrations of Fantômas

BY Erik Morse |

Wenn ich an Harun Farocki denke, denke ich zuallererst an seine Stimme. Lange bevor ich ihn zum ersten Mal persönlich traf, war mir diese Stimme längst vertraut aus seinen Filmen. Sie begleitet uns durch Farockis filmisches Werk, sie trägt uns durch die montierten Bilder, zieht uns hinein in seine Überlegungen und Untersuchungen. Diese Stimme hat großen Anteil daran, dass uns seine Filme berühren und weiter berühren werden.

BY Michaela Melián |

How inmates of a young adults’ prison near Bamberg recreated a piece by Charlotte Posenenske

9 January 1944 – 30 July 2014

BY Thomas Elsaesser |

How DJ Richard and White Material are bucking expectations to be distinct

BY Alexis Waltz |