BY Paul Clinton in Culture Digest | 18 JUN 16

Weekend Reading List

A reading list in memory of the British MP Jo Cox and those who were tragically killed at Pulse Club, Orlando, last week

BY Paul Clinton in Culture Digest | 18 JUN 16

  • ‘Gay bars are therapy for people who can’t afford therapy; temples for people who lost their religion, or whose religion lost them; vacations for people who can’t go on vacation; homes for folk without families; sanctuaries against aggression.’

  • Polly Toynbee responds to the tragic death of Jo Cox MP and the ‘noxious brew’ of the Brexit campaign.

  • How are post-Orlando debates on Islamophobia and homophobia impacting on the lives of queer Muslims in America? 

  • ‘Chicana, tenjana, working-class, dyke-feminist poet, writer and theorist’ Gloria Anzaldúa’s important essay on the erasure of Chicana language and identity, ‘How to Tame a Wild Tongue’

  • ‘We are rarely granted the privilege of victimhood’ - the ungrievable lives and unacknowledged suffering of LGBTQ immigrants and people of colour.

  • Jasbir Puar discusses homonationalism and the intersections of queer politics and race.

  • ‘Hate is an easy emotion to provoke but a difficult one to control.’ Dawn Foster on Orlando, Jo Cox and the politics of hate.

  • Juliet Jacques describes how Hollis Frampton’s film (nostalgia) (1971) offered her a new model for recording transgender lives and remembering lost friends.

  • Frank O’Hara, ‘Lines to a Depressed Friend’ (1953)

Paul Clinton is a writer, curator and editor based in London, UK. He is a lecturer in curating at Goldsmiths, University of London.