
Showing results 241-260 of 262

For Frieze Projects 2017, video artist Alex Bag’s playful provocation takes on consumer and pop culture

The books that have influenced Man Booker International Prize winner Han Kang 

BY Han Kang |

The books that have influenced the publishing collective

BY ATLAS Projectos |

Andrew Durbin discusses the books that have influenced him

BY Andrew Durbin |

A new video by the Chinese artist hosted exclusively on

The artist discusses the books that have influenced her

BY Eileen Myles |

Spoken-word recordings can offer a liberating alternative, audibly melting text from the permafrost of print 

PJ Harvey records a new album in public

BY Lucy O’Brien |

From deep soul explorations of topical subjects and the plight of the poor to musing reflectively on art, life, God and outer space

BY Andrew Hultkrans |

The musicians talk about their new double album

Artist Jimmie Durham reads a selection of poems from his forthcoming volume Poems That Do Not Go Together (2012)

Michael Gira’s band release their first album since 1997

BY Frances Morgan |

In an ongoing series, frieze asks artists and filmmakers to list the movies that have influenced their practice

BY Thomas Beard |

David Sylvian (Samadhisound, 2009)

BY Mark Fisher |

How has the Internet affected new definitions of a contemporary culture industry? The imaginary architecture in a 15th-century book may provide the answer

BY Diedrich Diederichsen |

Ivor Cutler (Hoorgi House Records, 2008)

New albums from electronica veterans Autechre and Dubstep producer Benga

BY Tony F. Wilson |

As a new book on Public Image Ltd shows, the influence of their 1979 album Metal Box stretches far and wide

Robert Wyatt (Domino, 2007)