
Showing results 201-220 of 705

Witnessing the catastrophic fire of Notre-Dame

BY Aaron Peck |

The genre’s relationship with the church is as complex as it is inevitable

BY Aida Amoako |

How does an image captured 55 million light-years from Earth reflect on humanity?

BY Orit Gat |

Super Mario Bros. and Metroid had a profound influence on game soundtracks

BY Andrew Schartmann |

The television show – the director’s first – is a sequel to his 1997 film of California queer disillusion, Nowhere

BY Andrew Durbin |

‘In Place of the Real’ focussed on histories of LGBTQI+ people

BY Juliet Jacques |

Though technically innovative, the design of Manhattan’s newest art space is a far cry from its historical precedents

BY David Huber |

With a number of museums recently rejecting donations from the Sacklers, how far should ethical funding go?

BY Cody Delistraty |

How progressive pedagogy was eventually co-opted by the war machine in 1930s and ’40s Japan

BY Andrew Maerkle |

‘This is a story about intellectual openings, the wiring of politics into culture and a cohort of writers gloriously convinced of the world-historical importance of music’

BY Yohann Koshy |

As the BBC comedy ends its second series, its wide acclaim and supposedly universal appeal begs questioning

BY Pandora Lavender |

From whiteness to the male gaze, photographers Hanna Moon and Joyce Ng reflect on the conventions that underpin the fashion industry

BY Shahidha Bari |

As leading arts institutions decline donations over opioid links, the artist and activist on why the age of using culture for ‘reputation laundering’ is over

BY Chris Sharratt |

Artists Ane Graff, Ingela Ihrman and nabbteeri will test the fraught relationship between human and non-human species

BY Chloe Stead |

The controversial addition to Manhattan’s west side is emblematic of the triumph of digital spectacle over real experience

BY Glenn Adamson |

Once labelled a ‘TV terrorist’, the video artist returns with her first posthumous retrospective at Red Bull Arts New York

BY Masha Tupitsyn |

A new anthology of 16 films made between 1982 and 2014, highlights the director’s innovative, international approach to her art

BY Juliet Jacques |

‘The Asset Strippers’, at Tate Britain’s Duveen Galleries, turns the museum’s elegant sculpture court into a salvage yard

BY Jane Ure-Smith |

Ahead of the presidential elections on 31 March, the far-right has begun to target cultural institutions

BY Juliet Jacques |

A new show at the Athens Conservatoire gives a rare, discerning take on the causes of our political disillusionment

BY Juliet Jacques |