
Showing results 81-100 of 138

Hatty Nestor's new book Ethical Portraits examines portraiture’s central role in understanding the discriminatory nature of the US criminal justice system 

BY Gwen Burlington |

The author’s latest book, See/Saw: Looking at Photographs, condenses over 100 years of history into selected moments

BY Pádraig Ó Meiscill |

'Crocodile Cradle', a collaborative project in the London gallery's window, collages together new and found texts by 51 artists, reflecting on how the pandemic has stratified society

BY Bryony White |

The UK-based poet speaks with frieze editor Andrew Durbin about her debut collection of poems from Granta

BY Andrew Durbin |

The debut novel, sugar-dusted with zeitgeist signifiers, satirizes the 21st-century urban bourgeoisie – but who is the joke actually on?

BY Jackson Arn |

The films and books that kept us afloat in a calamitous year

BY Anthony Hawley |

A century ago, the novelists Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann depicted a world recovering from war and pandemic. What can we learn from translating their works today?

BY Susan Bernofsky |

The author’s latest novel, ‘The Silence’, is full of questions with obvious answers

BY Jackson Arn |

The prolific Beat poet, who died aged 86 on 25 October, left behind a powerful and ever-urgent call to action in her Revolutionary Letters

BY Iris Cushing |

Taken over a decade and published in 2001, Singh’s book documents the life of her friend Mona Ahmed 

BY Vikramaditya Sahai |

The author's new novel is a smart, sharply observed critique of literary tropes and the art world

BY Philippa Snow |

Frog Pond Splash, published 20 November by Siglio Press, presents four decades of the artist’s mail-art exchanges with poet William S. Wilson

BY Tausif Noor |

The winner of the New Academy Prize remembers how Fanon's legendary book has changed her reading and writing life

BY Maryse Condé |

With ‘Men and Apparitions’ – her first novel to be published in the UK since 1999 – Tillman deep-dives into photography and its lovers

BY Lynne Tillman AND Andrew Durbin |

At Museum Frieder Bruda’s Salon Berlin, the artist reflects on book burning during the Nazi regime

BY Kito Nedo |

In three stories, the German filmmaker and writer bears witness to the tentativeness of history

BY Alexander Kluge |

A new publishing project misunderstands the anti-patriarchal motivations behind historical pen names

BY Rosanna McLaughlin |

Revisiting the author’s prescient 'manifesto for a fair fight' - first published as an essay in 2014 - now out as a full-length book

BY Haley Mlotek |

The author of Glitch Feminism on correcting the cyberfeminist canon, the Black trauma at the root of memes and why online space is still ‘real’

BY Momtaza Mehri AND Legacy Russell |

The American poet – whose ‘Memory’ is now out from Siglio Press – on the poetics of synesthesia

BY Bernadette Mayer |