
Showing results 681-700 of 866

Bruce Nauman spoke with Noemi Smolik about his first projects with European gallerists, curators and artists and about how to turn a neon sign into a black square

BY Noemi Smolik |

Okwui Enwezor, the new Director of Munichs Haus der Kunst, spoke with Jörg Heiser about civic cultural practices, from Munich to Cairo via Paris

BY Jörg Heiser |

To coincide with the publication of his new book Retromania, Simon Reynolds talks about pop’s obsession with its immediate past

BY Dan Fox |

After the opening last year of the Lee Ufan Museum – a collaboration with the architect Tadao Ando on Naoshima Island, Japan – and ahead of his largest retrospective to date, at New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Lee Ufan talks to Melissa Chiu about his five decades as an artist, writer and philosopher

BY Dr. Melissa Chiu |

Q. What’s your favourite journey? A. Leaving.

Charles Atlas talks to Stuart Comer about his creative development, the intertwining of social scenes and art, and his ideas for the future

BY Stuart Comer |

Q. What was the first piece of art that really mattered to you? A. I'm not making art about art. I didn't buy a ticket.

BY Sarah Lucas |

dOCUMENTA (13) Artistic Director, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, spoke with Noemi Smolik about creating the exhibition and throwing out the concept

BY Noemi Smolik |

Heimo Zobernig talks to Kirsty Bell about his sculptures, paintings and videos from the early 1980s to the present  and about red light, mannequins and Oswald Wiener’s literary sources

BY Kirsty Bell |

An Interview with the founder of UbuWeb

BY Joanne McNeil |

Q. What’s your favourite ritual? A. Morning cups of tea.

What do you like the
look of?

Powder-coated anything. 

Following a major commission from the Louvre, Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang talks about how music, his father and the responsibilities of filmmaking have informed his 20-year career

An extensive interview with the British film-maker, writer and lecturer, about the Robinson trilogy and much more

BY Kari Rittenbach |

Q. What do you wish you knew? Q. French, the cure for AIDS, and how to deal with male pattern baldness.

BY ​John Waters |

Dan Fox talks to Simon Critchley about community, avant-garde rituals and being ‘religious without religion’

BY Dan Fox |

Do you believe in the existence of the soul? I believe in the existence of some kind of astral wildlife. I do not believe in the soul though.

Christopher Williams and Willem de Rooij discuss whether referentiality in art, if once polemical, has become an orthodoxy and if so, is there is a way out?

BY Jörg Heiser |

With his current show at the Royal Academy (until 13 December), Ai Weiwei’s answers to the frieze ‘Questionnaire’, from Issue 134, October 2010

New York-based artist Amy Sillman talks with Matt Saunders about dandyism, comedy and the legacy of Abstract Expressionism

BY Matt Saunders |