
Showing results 121-138 of 138

In the Dream House grapples with the ‘bad PR’ of an abusive queer relationship

BY Bryony White |

The newly reissued novel maps the intimate spatial connections between fascism and patriarchy in postwar Austria

BY Matthew Turner |

A new book wants to understand the individuals – and identities – beneath the ‘somewhat derogatory label’

BY Juliet Jacques |

In ‘Coventry’, events seem to happen to somebody else, to a person Cusk repeatedly exposes and judges

BY Brian Dillon |

Reckoning with the legacy of Jim Harrison, whose writing portrayed women like meals – meant to give pleasure and comfort, without having any hunger themselves

BY Julia Langbein |

Like Vivian Maier’s photography, Christina Hesselholdt’s novel embraces digression and relishes humanity in its multiplicity

BY Mitch Speed |

Diana Hamilton reflects on the dual urges to be beautiful and well-reviewed – even when you want to reject both desires

BY Rainer Diana Hamilton |

‘When I read that essay, I literally feel some kind of space opening up: I can breathe’

BY Beatrice Gibson |

Talk of the Booker Winning-novel as ‘baffling’ and ‘tough’ suggests such journalists may be more trained in the Burns-ian method than they think

BY Bryony White |

Provincial landscapes mask creeping violence in three new novels by Emma Glass, Sophie Mackintosh and Fiona Mozley 

BY Bryony White |

With his new book How to Write an Autobiographical Novel published today, the writer shares the books that have influenced him

BY Alexander Chee |

The artist reveals the books that have influenced him 

BY Christian Nyampeta |

The books that have influenced Man Booker International Prize winner Han Kang 

BY Han Kang |

The books that have influenced the publishing collective

BY ATLAS Projectos |

Andrew Durbin discusses the books that have influenced him

BY Andrew Durbin |

The artist discusses the books that have influenced her

BY Eileen Myles |

Artist Jimmie Durham reads a selection of poems from his forthcoming volume Poems That Do Not Go Together (2012)

How important was Charles Saatchi really?

BY Matthew Slotover |