
Showing results 161-180 of 383

Tom Overton reflects on the life of a great storyteller with contributions on his art criticism, broadcasting and fiction

BY Tom Overton |

The re-release of Allan Sekula’s seminal book critiquing the bond between capitalism and representations of material culture

BY Laurie Taylor |

From Michael Gove to Mary Hurrell to Orange is The New Black, the year in review

BY Brian Dillon |

A form of mental illness or a cultural norm that has shapeshifted over time?

BY Sarah Hromack |

A report from 'Inside', an Artangel project staged in the Reading prison that once held Oscar Wilde

BY Matthew McLean |

The second of three articles exploring art, class and precarity: an interview with writer and sociologist Didier Eribon

BY Paul Clinton |

A new book of photographer Luigi Ghirri's collective writing

BY Laurie Taylor |

Thoughts on John Berger’s prose as he turns 90

BY John Douglas Millar |

A new anthology of writing by Lynne Tillman shows us what narrative fiction, and criticism, can be

BY Evan Moffitt |

The books that have influenced the publishing collective

BY ATLAS Projectos |

Donna Haraway takes on the Anthropocene

BY Robin van den Akker |

Following the recent New York Art Book Fair at MoMA PS1, Dan Fox profiles three independent publishers

BY Dan Fox |

A new shape-shifting publication by the Milanese collective Gasconade 

BY Barbara Casavecchia |

Douglas Crimp's new memoir charts his life in the galleries and gay bars of 1970s New York

BY Andrew Durbin |

The final part of this week's Culture Digest looks at two recently reissued books by Eileen Myles

BY Francesca Wade |

The second instalment of this week's Culture Digest looks at the latest book from experimental Chilean author Alejandro Zambra

BY Francesca Wade |

The first of this week's three book columns looks at the second instalment of Rachel Cusk's trilogy

BY Francesca Wade |

The intermingling of classical sculpture and female self-realization in the long literary tradition of the journey to Italy

BY Matthew Fox |

On Thomas More's wildly influential book, which was published 500 years ago

BY Carol Mavor |

The long-awaited biopic of cult writer Jeremiah 'Terminator' LeRoy

BY Hettie Judah |