
Showing results 101-120 of 383

The Psychology of an Art Writer provides a beautiful account of Lee’s looking and feeling and thinking and writing about art’

BY Vivian Sky Rehberg |

A new collection of previously uncompiled essays finds a writer poised at the threshold of art and literature

BY Jerome Boyd-Maunsell |

A newly-translated book by Heike Geissler chronicles the life of a warehouse worker

BY Tom Overton |

The way in which we talk about these accolades tends to hyperbole; artworks are not created in a financial vacuum

BY Helen Charman |

‘After Kurzweil’s book landed with a thud in the centre of our culture, it was impossible not to address its claims’

BY Chris Wiley |

This year saw the publication of a rich vein of books about motherhood and women’s work

BY Carmen Winant |

‘Boom obsesses over every element of design – including the textures and scents of her books, as well as their appearance’

BY Alice Rawsthorn |

From environmentalist epics to Norse mythology and the re-emergence of Russian cosmism: John Holten surveys the best books of 2018

BY John Holten |

Michael Muhammad Knight’s is not just a good book of religious scholarship, but a strange, delightful memoir

BY Shiv Kotecha |

In a new book, T.J. Clark scours art historical depictions of divinity for clues about our contemporary age

BY Shahidha Bari |

From capitalist realism to acid communism, new anthology K-Punk demonstrates the reach of the late writer’s cultural criticism

BY Paul Rekret |

Major new volumes by curators RoseLee Goldberg and Catherine Wood document contemporary art’s most rambunctious medium

BY Isobel Harbison |

Talk of the Booker Winning-novel as ‘baffling’ and ‘tough’ suggests such journalists may be more trained in the Burns-ian method than they think

BY Bryony White |

The US writer and filmmaker has created new paths for arts writing and critical thinking, not from wielding a cudgel but by exposing our bruises

BY Jennifer Kabat |

On the eve of her Guggenheim retrospective, a new book of esoteric drawings reveals the spiritualism behind Europe’s first abstract artist

BY Anya Ventura |

Cruel Fiction expresses hope for concrete social movements that imagine a different world than our own

BY Steven Zultanski |

A Nobel Prize-winning writer, a misogynist, a small-town boy with a haughty, big-city gaze: Naipaul’s life was marked by a sense of doubleness

BY Cody Delistraty |

A newly-published collection of the artist’s journals allows silenced voices to speak

BY Patrick Langley |

A mother’s death, a father’s disinterest: Jean Frémon’s semi-factual biography of the artist captures a life beyond repair

BY Harry Thorne |

The continued dominance of UK-US writers makes a mockery of the Man Booker’s ‘global outlook’

BY Harry Thorne |