
Showing results 101-120 of 704

To expect the progressive, internationalist art world to participate in a celebration of Brexit is to fire a volley into the culture war

BY Tom Morton |

Matt Wolf’s new film, ‘Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project’, is an astonishing portrait of an almost incomprehensible endeavour

BY Dan Fox |

Few other labels could claim to have cultivated such a coherent philosophy over the years: one which unites the pleasure of partying with its darker side

BY Jamie Mackay |

Awarding the Nobel to a Milosevic apologist, splitting the Booker Prize, and the death of the Western canon’s most ardent defender: what is the political function of literary culture today?

BY Helen Charman |

The new film is neither as sombre and meditative as the work of contemporaries such as Robert Redford, nor as adaptive as the real-world activism of Jane Fonda

BY Ian Bourland |

Marwa Arsanios’s latest documentary offers a powerful glimpse at the autonomous movement now being torn apart

BY David Markus |

A new spirit of bleak realism and self-questioning has infiltrated comic adaptations everywhere

BY Tom Morton |

For too long ‘doing what you love’ has been a neat excuse to devalue artistic labour

BY Ellen Mara De Wachter |

From Palantir to Microsoft to Google, the new resistance arises from labour itself

BY Mike Pepi |

A group exhibition at Pérez Art Museum Miami challenges apocalyptic forecasts for a region on the front lines of climate change 

BY Monica Uszerowicz |

‘Lande’, at Oxford’s Pitt Rivers, begets core questions about art and its display

BY Nicholas Mirzoeff |

Whether pairing the two inspires consternation or praise depends largely on how we conceive of the purpose of the Museum itself

BY Jack McGrath |

New arrangements of artists from across the planet emphasize broad concepts over tidier organizing principles 

BY Andrew Durbin |

Both environmentally and socially sustainable, Goldsmith Street is a bright spot amidst the UK’s ongoing housing crisis 

BY ​John Boughton |

‘It’s a lovely morning in the village, and you are a horrible goose.’ Aren’t so many of us feeling like that these days?

BY Adam Harper |

There is a place for evidentiary art – but not for Kenneth Goldsmith’s print-out of 62,000 pages of the former US Secretary of State’s correspondence

BY Travis Diehl |

The artist and psychogeographer discusses building on the protests of the past

BY Juliet Jacques |

Why are recent blockbuster video games so obsessed with religion?

BY Thomas McMullan |

A new wave of stand-up specials, sketch shows and comedy-dramas are dismantling Hollywood’s white monolith, one gag at a time

BY Candice Frederick |