
Showing results 721-740 of 866

What do you like the look of? The sheep in the meadow

Joan Jonas talks about the evolution of her work and the importance of myth, music and history to her thinking

BY Alvin Curran |

Sophie Calle tells frieze her dream job: secret agent

BY Sophie Calle |

Artist, composer and filmmaker Tony Conrad in conversation

BY David Grubbs |

If you could live with only one piece of art what would it be? This is an impossible question

BY Fiona Tan |

An interview with the pioneering teacher and cybernetic artist to coincide with his first UK retrospective

BY Keith Stuart |

What is your favourite title of an art work? I can’t think of a good one

Boris Groys in conversation with Brian Dillon

BY Brian Dillon |

Janette Laverrière on politics, being a woman, utility, mirrors and her collaborations with artist Nairy Baghramian

Franz Ackermann is an artist living and working in Berlin and Karlsruhe in Germany. He is currently participating in the Tate Triennial in London and will have a solo show at Kunstmuseum Bonn in December 2009.

Q. What do you wish you knew? A. How to spell would be useful

BY Marvin Gaye Chetwynd |

The Glaswegian novelist and artist answers questions about his approach to art, life and literature

BY Alasdair Gray |

Richard Serra talks about the evolution of his ideas and his plans for the future

What do you like the look of? My son’s beauty sleep

The artist lives and works in Istanbul and Berlin

For 20 years, Wolfgang Tillmans’s photography has been a sustained meditation on observation, perception and translation

BY Dominic Eichler |

What could you imagine doing if you didn’t do what you do? I would be a biologist, a kindergarten teacher or a policewoman

Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa talks about his interest in the interaction between people, everyday objects and their environments

BY Emily King |

The artist will be exhibiting new work at Stuart Shave/Modern Art, London, in the spring of 2009

British artist Sarah Jones about photography, film, memory, roses, psychoanalysis, women and hair

BY A.M. Homes |